Startup Space

Produced in Partnership with Jack Industries


Startup Space will take place Tuesday, March 22, 2022, in the SATELLITE Unveiled Theater, located on the Exhibit Hall floor!

The SATELLITE Conference & Exhibition is proud to bring startup companies and investors together for the 6th Annual Startup Space. This entrepreneur pitch competition is designed to stimulate investment and growth in the industry by setting up private meetings for the grand prize winner.


Contestants are placed into groups and are each given five minutes to pitch their company or product in front of a panel of judges. This is followed by a five-minute period during which the judges may ask questions or make comments to the contestants. Judges will score the presentations based on a standardized set of various categories. The contestant with the highest overall score will be named the contest winner and receive the grand prize – private pitch meetings with today’s most active space investors.

SESSION 1: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Michael Mealling, COO, Starbridge Venture Capital
Meagan Crawford, Managing Partner, Space Fund
Michael Palank, General Partner, MaC Venture Capital
Terence Craig, Advisor, Toyota Ventures

Eric Ingram, CEO, Scout
Adisesh Yeragudi, CEO, AV SpaceTech
Sean Mitchell, Chairman & CCO, Ubotica
Kelly Larson CEO, Aquarian Space
Thomas Yen, CEO & Co-Founder, Tensor Tech

SESSION 2: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Josephine Millward, Head of Research, Seraphim Capital
Adrian Fenty, Former Mayor of Washington, D.C. & Founding Managing Partner, MaC Venture Capital
Matt O’Connell, CEO of OneWeb & Operating Partner, Data Collective Venture Capital
Troy McCann, Founder and CEO, MoonshotX

Rick Ward, CTO & Founder, Orbits Edge
Sethu Saveda Suvanam, Founder and CEO, ReOrbit
Dr. Luisa Buinhas, Space Systems Engineer, Vyoma
Isa Fritz, CTO, GeoJump
Jeromy Grimmett, Founder & CEO, Rogue Space Systems


2021: AV SpaceTech and TMY Technologies
2020: Traxyl
2019: Eventech and Orbit Fab
2018: LeoLabs
2017: Astrapi Corporation

Interested in exhibiting at SATELLITE 2022? Check out the Startup Pavilion on the show floor! Contact Michael Cassinelli today at [email protected] or +1 (301) 354-1691 for details and availability!